Thursday, August 27, 2009

So much to process

We have finished our third day of training here in St.Lucia. The days are long and filled with a lot of information. Yesterday we covered policies, i.e. rules and regulations. Two things they take very seriously are drug use and riding on motorcycles. We also covered health issues. STD's are apparently rampant in the Eastern Caribbean, and according to the Medical Officer, condoms should be kept in the fridge for freshness. Our final session was on Safety & Security, which was actually very helpful. Simone from the PC staff discussed local flirtation practices and how to effectively and polite rebuff unwanted advances. She was very honest and candid about it all and I really appreciated it. The whole staff has been great, as well as the other trainees.
In fact everyone here at the St.Lucian retreat center have been so nice, helpful, and fun. I have really been enjoying the company of all the fellow trainees. It is going to be a minor heart break when 1/2 of them go off to St.Vincents. Even through the heat, and constraints of the center, everyone remains upbeat and pleasant, and we have all been getting along so well.
Today we finally got a much needed break from the center. This place is beautiful, but it is also VERY secluded. After breakfast though, we finally visted the city to do some training at the regional office. We'll also did some exploring, had a drink at a local pub, and finally got to see the sea up close!

St.Lucian sunset

Ladies up in the pub

My scavenger hunt team (-Kelly)

St.Lucian Art

St.Lucian market vendors

48 Years of Peace Corps service in the Eastern Caribbean

Our back yard

The dining hall

View of the bay

Our giant bonzai


Jaime Lyn Quinto said...

i like the market part the best... and also how thry teach you about flirting, that should be very useful. Keep happy, enjoy! love you and think of you often!

Me said...

This post reminds me of when I stayed at the retreat center, where life is all about service. It's a wonderful life and an amazing life experience!

Light and love!