Friday, March 21, 2008

I have the highest score so far

My friend Lisa sent me the neatest link this week, If you go here (and you should) they present you with vocab trivia. For every word you answer correctly, this site will donate 20 grains of rice to the UN World Hunger Program. Just like that! I get to exercise my vocabulary skills and help end hunger. I know its only a small thing, but it is something.
Also, I totally kick ass. Amongst my friends I have the highest score. I realize those are kind of lame bragging rights, but I'm into it anyway. I am a big fan of words; though it will rarely show in my blog, I have a substantial vocabulary. I once dated a guy who I think may have broken up with my partly because my vocabulary was far superior to his. It really bothered him that I said things like "exacerbate, cocktails, derision." He often accused me of being pretentious, but I think it just bothered him that I was smarter than he was.
Ok, I do admit that using cocktail hour instead of drinks or happy hour is a little pretentious. It sounds so much nicer though, don't you think?

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

BTW, since so many of you are reading this (haha), I felt that I should make it clear that I didn't go around saying "exacerbate, cocktails, derision," in that order. If I had, it would have been lame and a totally legit cause for being slided. When I used any of these words it was appropriate and in context.